New? Next Steps . . .
Take a discover good news class
Worship sunday Mornings
visit a Small Group
Discover Good News is a one-hour class intended to give you a glimpse into the heartbeat of Good News Church.
Meets the third Wednesday (6-8p) and the third Saturday (9-11a) each month in the Connect Room off of the Lobby. Childcare is available.
Meets the third Wednesday of each month from 6-8p. Childcare is available.
worship Sunday Morning
If you would like to learn more about Jesus with others, please join us on Sunday mornings. We worship God with contemporary services (live music, casual atmosphere) as we meet together at Wildwood campus each Sunday at 9a and 10:30a. World Golf Village campus worships each Sunday at 10a.
American Sign Language is offered at the 10:30a service at Wildwood campus.
We worship God so that everyone can win—God, believers, and the lost!
Visit a Small Group
Small group is a group of ten imperfect people who together gaze at Jesus and encourage one another.
Groups meet in homes throughout the week, study God’s Word, pray for one another, and often share a meal.
Life’s victories are celebrated together as well as support when going through trials. There are hospital visits to Super Bowl parties and everything in-between—all in authentic Biblical community.

Make a Difference
Opportunities to make a difference
A Gospel Partner is a person who spreads the gospel. We are partners in the spread of the gospel (not volunteers).
Kids Ministry
Raise up the next generation for Christ. You do not have to be a Bible expert to serve. Curriculum is user-friendly, easy, and fun.
Team up to impact a life from Kindergarten to 5th grade.
Must have background check.
Usher Team
Serve our members as an usher. Ushers are vital to the worship experience through their assistance with serving communion, collecting the offering, and assisting people with finding seats.
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. ”