Care Ministry
Our primary care strategy for meeting the needs of people who call Good News Church their home, is through small groups. Members who are in small group are connected relationally so that when they experience a need in their lives, someone knows, and is there to offer help. For those who are not in a small group we still want to provide help as best we can. If you have a need and are in a small group, please be sure that your small group leader knows. If the need is beyond the small group’s ability, the Small Group Director will be notified. If you are not in a small group, please fill out the form below. The campus Small Group Director will contact you to learn more and to begin to determine how to best provide for your need. The Small Group Director will work with our Care Team to appropriately meet your needs.
Join the Care Team!
The needs of the Church and our community will be met primarily by our small groups. If you would like to be contacted when the needs of this ministry exceed the capacity of small groups, or if you would like to receive regular ministry updates and prayer request, please sign-up.