Easily give your tithes and offerings via:

  • the website GIVE HERE button

  • mobile (text GOODNEWSFL to 833-245-7636)

  • check by mail to 1357 Wildwood Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32086



to learn more about PushPay

13% of giving supports Global Outreach.

Thank you for your gifts and generosity

Your year-end tax-deductible giving statements have been generated and will be coming to you via email from Pushpay.  If you have contributed financially to Good News Church and we have your email address on file, you will receive an email from Pushpay with instructions to log in and print your 2022 Tax Statement online.  If you don't have a PushPay account, you will see instructions on how to create one.  Creating an account in PushPay does not obligate you to give online through the PushPay portal.