April 13 • palm sunday • Join together for Palm Sunday Worship

Wildwood campus • Palm Sunday dinner from 5-7p. Please bring a covered dish to share.

World Golf Village campus • Palm Sunday lunch after the 10a service. Chicken strips will be  provided by Good News. Please bring a side dish to share.

April 18 • Good Friday 6p at World Golf Village campus

In accomplishing our salvation, Jesus’ last words on the cross are an amazing combination of sorrow, love, forgiveness and hope. Join us on Good Friday as we explore Jesus’ words from the cross to Mary and John. Childcare is provided for newborn to 3 years old.

Celebrate Easter with us

Sunday, April 20 / 9a or 10:30a

The Christian faith stands on the truth of the Resurrection. Invite a friend and join us as we understand the reliability of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.