Mongolia Update
Lucas and Juliana received Christ in 2006. Since the beginning, they were involved in evangelism, discipleship and church planting projects at their local church and in partnership to help other churches. 12 years ago, Lucas was called to Mongolia and he spend 10 years preparing to serve this amazing people. In 2013, they Lucas and Juliana went first time to Mongolia. They visited missions, some local churches and places which tell the Mongolian history. In the countryside, they spend with a nomad family some days and they could see the great need and gap on the making disciples among the nomad families. All they did that time to plan better how to establish their family in this different culture and how they could plant a relevant church for nomadic people.
From August 2015 to June 2016 they lived in Trinidad and Tobago to learn the English Language. At this time they supported and served in the local church. The country is divided by three major world religions: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Islam and Hindu have very strong presence and trained them to deal with the challenges of how to live in a different culture.
Mongolia first phase report
In 2017 May, Lucas and his family moved to Mongolia. First year and four months in the capital Ulaanbaatar they could start learning the Mongolian language and adjusting the family in this different culture, also at this time they travelled though 17 provinces of Mongolia to know about some of the needs, to listening the locals, to see the reality about the fewl churches in the countryside and listen the missionaries who is working over there. This was to find out the Jesus direction about where they should leave and start the project.
Well, Khovd Province situated at the extreme west of Mongolia by the China and Russia’s border was the place chosen by God for them to leave. In 2018 end of September they moved to Khovd Province to leave in a Ger (Mongolian traditional tent or yurt) and start to introduce their life into the real Mongolian nomad culture. There they are improving the language, creating connections, visiting families in the village and among the nomads, serving the community – as a part of their volunteering job with World Vision that is giving them the visa to stay in Mongolia, and they already start sharing the Gospel of Jesus to some families. By God’s grace Lucas and Juliana are gathering with two families to study the Bible, counselling, worship our Lord Jesus and discipling those families who showed open heart to the Lord.
Parallel to this, they are meeting in different towns and cities with some believers to encourage them and enable them to share their faith and make disciples in order to plant new churches. Lucas and Juliana have regularly met Christian students, doctors, and teachers so they can make new disciples in their own environments.
Even with great challenges, they have been visiting nomadic families and sharing the Gospel for them. Also, twice a week they meet to ask God for the lives of the Mongols and Kazakhstans. Now in September 4 th they are back to Brazil to present the report for this first years of the project and to show all the partners the next steps and they had their baby Marcos who was born in November 7th in São Paulo Brazil. In March, when the baby get all the vaccines they are planning go back to Khovd in Mongolia to continue the project. (READ MORE BELOW.)