Salvation Church (Ryan Jorgenson)
Hello friends and family of Salvation Church plant!
With great excitement I get to announce to you one of our answered prayers for Salvation Church! God has given us our Worship Director and his name is Matt Cocchi! Matt is a local recent college grad who loves Jesus passionately and enjoys leading His people into His presence through song. He also loves to share the Gospel with those around him! In fact, the way I met Matt is a God-story! This past February I was driving at a busy intersection and saw a young man praying over 2 homeless people and thought "I have got to pull over and join this guy in praying for them and meet this bold follower of Christ." I soon learned this young man's name was Matt Cocchi! I got to pray with him after some discussion, shared contact info and we went on our ways until about a month ago. Our College Age Ministry Director Josiah told me he had met Matt and they made the connection how we had met. Josiah also told me Matt loves to lead people in worship, so I reached out and now here we are, joining together to share the Gospel and make disciple makers through Salvation Church!
Thank you to every one of you who prayed with us for Matt! God truly has answered many prayers with every person we have (all 35 Core Group Members) among many other provisions!
Watch this video to hear more of Matt's heart for this role.
More Core Group Members. Our prayerful goal is 50 adults by our October 3 launch.
The funds to purchase all our estimated $35,000 of portable church equipment.
Salvations to come through Salvation Church once we launch in October.
Disciple-makers to be made once we launch.
Our College Age Ministry kicks off events with a Beach Day this Sat Aug 28. Pray for people to attend, form friendships and want to go deeper in community and with Jesus
Sept 25 Family FunFest Event at JCP Park! Ask God for more connections with people towards Christ and Salvation Church
For all plans to come together for our October 3 Launch and COVID stay away OR His wisdom if He wants us to adjust to any changes