Belarus Update

I am glad that I can share the latest Belarus news with you. Our people are still protesting. At the same time, there are more repressions from the government. People are put to jail even for alternative news channels subscriptions. People’s phones can be checked anytime. Sometimes policemen call people and make them come to the police station as a witness, but in the end, they arrest them anyway with a fake protocol.
At the same time, it a good time for church to reach young people. We have already provided financial help to four victims of the arrests.
We are happy that our church services have an atmosphere of support and encouragement. In October we had a retreat for active church members. There were 14 people there. This event improved spiritual and emotional state of our church. Here are a few testimonies.

Nadya Severinchik:
The weekend that has been so lacking! It was a great time to socialize well, to relax physically and spiritually, to free oneself from politics, study and, in a sense, people. Get to know each other not as ministers, but as friends. Singing, sitting around the fire, debriefing and just free time helped a lot to recharge for a while ahead. Thank you for this opportunity to go to the retreat with such different people and come so similar)) after all, spending time together brings us together very much!)

Maxim Logvinov:

It was a great time to relax and recover from the tough government news in the circle of loved ones.

Sveta Nenasheva:
Retreat. The place where the soul sang and rose from the ashes, where the body rested and faith was strengthened. Two days, and according to the amount of happiness received, a whole small life. Thank you
Please pray with us for the opportunity to have a winter English camp for the church and our friends who don’t know God. The situation in the country is changing every day which makes it really difficult to plan anything.

Please pray for the repressions to stop. Pray so we could do our best at sharing the gospel in given opportunities and for the winter English camp to take place.

Link for retreat video:

We love you and praying for you!



Mexico Update


Update from Verona Church planting