Belarus Update • Demas Lazouta

We are very grateful to you for your prayers and support. We need that as never before. We live in the most challenging time facing both Covid and political crisis. Please, pray God would give us courage and wisdom to bring encouragement to our churches. Many people are depressed, unfortunately. 

Baptism in Light of Truth Church

Last summer Dima baptized several people in our church. One of them (his name is Max) is a member of our small group. He visited our small group for the last two year. When we met him, his marriage was nearly broken, one step from divorce. Today through fellowship in christian community he not only became a follower of Christ, but also a caring husband and a great father of three kids (with one on the way).

The second person, Lena, has read the Bible with Alyona for couple of years. Her husband did not approve her decision to follow Christ, she obeyed him for a long time regarding this issue, but then decide to be baptized anyway. Praise be go God!

Church Camp.

Every year we dream and plan to have a church camp. Praise the Lord it happened this year too! there were 127 people for 7 days! It is practically impossible to leave the country now so many people were looking for an opportunity to have a vacation inside the country. So our camp provided such an opportunity. We focus our teaching on marriage and had lots of great and fun activities. We felt like it was a week in heaven. It was so special to be together 24/7 of the whole week. We believe that tim there helped many to strengthen their marriages, and for single people to feel that they belong to a church family. Some people are attending church services after the camp.

New Church Plant in Baranovichy

Please, pray for Denis and Karina as they are starting new church in Baranovichy. Denis just finished this time with IFES (InterVarsity). We have been trying to plant a church there for 10 years, but were not successful. Please, pray for them. 

Leadership retreat for new churches.

We just had three days retreat for leaders of new churches. We were growing in skills of prayer. It looks like leaders were encouraged a lot. Praise be go God!

Alona’s women retreat. 


Dima's PhD studies.

Please pray for Dema as he started his PhD work at the University of Pretoria (South Africa). He is making research about the role of one of very influential evangelical leader in initiating and developing missional movement at the beginning of 20the century in Russia. He thinks that the result of the research might be very useful for the contemporary evangelical church here, in Belarus as well as in all former Soviet Union countries.

Your prayers are making difference.

We know that you never cease praying for us! We feel supernatural support through that. Let God continue to bless you by His Presence and guidance in all issues that you face today.

Yours, Dema, Alyona, Bogdan and Daniel Lazuta


Kazakhstan Update • Arman


Salvation Church (Ryan Jorgenson)