Belarus Update • Dima Lazouta, Movement Leader

Thank you for being a prayer partner of Belarus Church Planting Movement and Light of Truth Church. We appreciate your involvement a lot. 

We are grateful to God for 3-day-youth-conference we had in May. Dozens of young people recommitted their lives to Christ and dozens accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior!

We had three-day-marriage enrichment for pastors and their wives in Lviv (Ukraine). The professor of Ukrainian seminary and Southern Baptist missionary Dr. Dan Upchurch gave a wonderful theological teaching about Christian Marriage. His personal stories were very relevant for our lives as well.

Together with other evangelical churches we took part in evangelistic family festival in centrla city park. 773 people heard the Gospel and 165 of them confessed their sins and left their contacts. Please, pray so that many of them would grow in Christ and join the church. 

Please, pray for new theological school we start this October to train small group leaders, Sunday School teachers,  future missionaries and pastors. We are going to combine online lectures with one day a month Saturday residentional studies. The course will take two years. We believe it is important step in fulfilling our vision to grow the number of new churches up to 70-100 by year 2033.

Also, this summer our church( Light of Truth) will have four camps. Almost every new church will have one or two evangelistic camps too. Please, pray God would use our efforts to reach people and grow them in Christ.

 Thank you for your partnership. Yours in Christ ministry   Dema, Alona, Bogdan and Daniel.


Latin America • Andrés Garza, Movement Leader