GNC WGV Graphics GNC WGV Graphics

Throw Big Parties

Jesus goes fishing wherever people are gathered together. This includes parties. Jesus shows us how to use hospitality to go fishing for men.

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GNC WGV Graphics GNC WGV Graphics

Trust Jesus

When we begin to understand Jesus’ power to forgive and transform our lives we will do anything to help our friends and family get to Jesus.

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GNC WGV Graphics GNC WGV Graphics

Pay Attention

Jesus equips us to go fishing where we live, work, and play. Join us Sunday as we watch Him go fishing and learn the hot spots to go fishing with our teams.

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GNC WGV Graphics GNC WGV Graphics

Live, Work, & Play

Jesus equips us to go fishing where we live, work, and play. Join us Sunday as we watch Him go fishing and learn the hot spots to go fishing with our teams.

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